Hello everyone, hope you all had a great Christmas! I have eaten so much I can no longer move! I thought I'd share with you what presents I recieved because I got loads of beauty related products and this is a beauty blog afterall :)
First of all, if you saw my Christmas post
last year you will know that Santa/my mum leaves me a big hamper of all the things I love instead of a stocking. So here is this years hamper:
Lots of Lush, chocolate, facemasks and Yankee wax tarts :)
And here are my presents. Theres a lot of American beauty products there because my mum visited America in October
L to R: Lush 'Mr Frosty', Tarte 'the starlett' boxset, nailvarnish (not sure what brand), Sephora by O.P.I 'glimmer wonderland' set, NYX glitter cream eyeshadow palette, CLARASONIC!, Yankee christmas candle set.
More American makeup; Lorac 'ooh la lace' palette, NYX eyeshadow palette, NYX jumbo eye pencils- french fries & dark brown, Wet n wild eyeshadow palettes- 'I'm feeling retro', 'petal pusher' and 'walking on eggshells', Stilla palette- 'tis the season to dazzle'.

MORE makeup: Mac lipliner- subculture, Estee Lauder doublewear foundation- shell, Benefit creaseless cream shadow- 'skinny jeans', Tweezerman tweezers, Bobbi brown corrector- porcelain bisque, Mac mineralize eyeshadows- 'shimmermint' and 'hold that pose!', Shu Uemura eyelash curlers.
Molten brow navigations through scent purfume- Iunu, Lush snow fairy gift set.
And a new charm for my Thomas Sabo bracelet, 'orca'.
So there you have it, that is all of my beauty related Christmas presents, I was very spoilt and now have alot more makeup to play with in the new year :)
I am so excited to start using the Clarasonic, it couldn't have come at a better time because my skin has been a nightmare!
What did you get for Christmas?
Rachy xxx